Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ana, Bill, TD 4 and Invest 91...Move along, there's nothing to see here!

I'm having a very emotional time right now and I thought I'd share it on the blog (since I don't seem to be sharing much else here). There are a lot of tropical presences in and around the Gulf of Mexico right now threatening my poor, defenseless house. For any that do not know, my house was violated by Hurricane Ike last September. It took a lot of money, stress, anguish and elbow grease to get it back to *almost* new condtion. Thanks Family (and not so helpful contractor)! Now, as I sit on the other side of the world during one of the most uneventful hurricane seasons ever, the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico have eaten some spicy food and started churning out tropical disturbances. Well I say, "Go away pesky tropical waves, depressions, invests, storms, and especially HURRICANES! Move along Ana, Bill, TD 4, and Invest 91! My house is still hurricane insured, but there's no need to challenge me anymore. I won! You lost! Get on outta here. Drift up to Iceland or something like your buddy Bertha!"

Ooohhhmmm. Ooohhhmmm. Calming thoughts. Ok, I'm better now. Just please pray with me that none of these things comes on-shore with destructive force! I mean, focus on them not coming to shore in or around Houston, but you can pray for everyone on the coast if you like. Ooohhhmm. Ooohhhmmm.

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